Defective Product Injuries in Connecticut | What You Should Know

Defective Product Injuries in Connecticut | What You Should Know

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Few people expect to sustain serious injuries from using a consumer product as it was intended to be used, but sometimes that happens anyway. If you need assistance filing a product liability case, please read on, then contact a skilled Stamford, Connecticut defective product lawyer to learn what you should know about defective product injuries in Connecticut.

Before you read any further, save everything and photograph the product and the injury.

Who can be held liable for defective product injuries in Connecticut?

The Connecticut Products Liability Act, starting in Connecticut General Statutes §52-572m, establishes that, under strict liability law, consumers can hold the following parties liable for and for which reasons:

  • Designers: Designers must always take consumer safety into account when designing the safest, most economically feasible products that are not hindered in function.
  • Manufacturers: Manufacturers are responsible for taking adequate safety precautions, making the safest possible products and for notifying consumers of any special precautions that must be taken when using the product.
  • Distributors: Distributors must market their products accurately, providing adequate warnings, proper instructions for use and appropriate packaging.
  • Sellers: Much like distributors, sellers are generally responsible for ensuring that consumers know or reasonably should know how to use a product and how to operate it properly.

How do you prove a defective product resulted in your injuries in Connecticut?

To prove your product liability case in Connecticut, you must prove the following elements:

  1. You suffered an injury;
  2. The product had a design, manufacturing or marketing defect;
  3. The defect in the product is responsible for your injury; and
  4. You were using the product in the intended way when you sustained an injury.

Before you file a product liability claim of any sort, you should reach out to a skilled Fairfield County, Connecticut personal injury lawyer to discuss your next steps.

How can a Fairfield County personal injury lawyer help you?

If you have sustained an injury, you may not be able to undertake all the work needed to prove your case in court without professional assistance. A qualified legal representative can work on your behalf to collect and present the evidence concerning the product,  your medical records, the police report of the accident, statements from the witnesses to the accident and photos and videos of the accident. Our firm will help you navigate this process, so you can focus on the hard work of recovery.

Contact our experienced Connecticut firm

If you or a loved one sustained a traumatic brain injury due to another person’s negligence, Casper & de Toledo is here to help you. While our firm has dedicated decades of experience to fighting for brain injury victims, we also handle auto accidents, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation and wrongful death. Trust Casper & de Toledo to handle your case with the utmost competence and discretion. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation with our seasoned traumatic brain injury lawyers.