For Release
May 11, 2022
Casper & de Toledo LLC
Stewart Casper Speaks to National Audience of TBI Lawyers
Stamford— May 11, 2022 — Stewart M. Casper, a member of Casper & de Toledo LLC, has become the “go to” trial lawyer in the science of traumatic brain injury. On April 29, 2022, Casper spoke for two hours to over 3,400 registrants on a Webinar featured by the TBI MedLegal sponsored by the Brain Injury Association of California. The title of the presentation was “Using the Scientific Literature as Kryptonite” ©. Casper is scheduled to reprise and update that presentation during the MedLegal Conference in San Diego, CA in August.
Casper says that he “got hooked” on traumatic brain injury as an area of focus for his practice in 1979 when he attended an Association of Trial Lawyers of America™ (now the American Association of Justice™ (AAJ)) multi-day CLE program in Boston and has been following the science and developments in the field since. Casper reflects that “so much has changed in the field since 1979 when the science that was emerging was MRI.” The most significant changes have occurred since roughly 2003 as enormous investment in TBI research has borne fruit. Many of the theories that Plaintiff trial lawyers have been advocating since the late stages of the last century have proven to be supportable by the science. Recently, the National Academies of Science-Engineering-Medicine has validated many issues that support the potential for life-altering consequences of even the mildest form of traumatic brain injury in its “Consensus Study Report – Traumatic Brain Injury: A Roadmap for Accelerating Progress” (2022).
Stewart Casper is a Past President of the Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, a Past Chairperson of the Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice, and a co-chair of the North American Brain Injury Association’s Annual Legal Program. He has lectured on a variety of TBI related subjects throughout the United States.
For more information, contact Debra Briganti at 203-328-8046.