Unfortunately, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) happen to thousands of people in the U.S. every year. While we hope that TBI survivors will make significant progress toward recovery, the unfortunate reality is that most patients will not make a complete recovery and will be left with lifetime residual symptoms. TBI survivors depend upon quality healthcare and rehabilitation specialists to regain as much function as possible. The road to recovery can be long and arduous. For many, part of their journey involves spending time in an in-patient rehabilitation or “rehab” facility following initial hospitalization and treatment in an acute care hospital. Though the risk of further harm in these facilities is low, you should understand that you have rights, and our firm can help inform you of those rights, even if you or a loved one is currently in a rehab facility, as we routinely make hospital and rehab visits. Also, and unsurprisingly, many of our clients who suffer a TBI also suffer from orthopedic injuries, and rehabilitation is multi-focal. Also, be aware that many decisions made about your rehabilitation are impacted by your insurance coverage. Read on to learn more about what you can expect.
What are the most common TBI symptoms?
TBIs can present a broad range of symptoms that vary from patient to patient. However, some of the most common TBI symptoms we see include memory loss, personality changes, issues with coordination or speech, confusion, headaches, and dizziness. Often, TBIs require emergency care, but once immediate symptoms are treated, hospitals may recommend that a patient attends rehab where they can receive specialized care over a period of time so they can further recuperate from their TBI.
How can rehab help a patient who has sustained a TBI?
Here in the state of Connecticut, there are several rehab centers for patients who’ve sustained TBIs, including Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, St. Francis Center for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Hartford, CT, and the Hospital for Special Care, New Britain, CT, among others. Nearby our Stamford-based office is Burke Rehabilitation, now part of the Montefiore Health System.
At these facilities, staff will work alongside TBI patients and develop a plan tailored to individual needs, all while documenting their progress over the course of weeks or months. Some of the services these rehab centers provide include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, social support, and psychological care.
Typically, entering rehab for a TBI is a step in the right direction for patients, but if you or a loved one has sustained a TBI and are about to go into rehab, it’s important that you understand your rights. Casper & de Toledo focuses its practice on TBI injury cases, and we are here to inform you of your rights and ensure you receive the proper care while in a rehab facility.
If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about your rights, simply contact us today.