Few things are more devastating than being involved in a serious auto accident that results in injuries. Unfortunately, this is a daily occurrence in Connecticut, and if you are involved in a serious car accident, one of your most pressing questions is likely, “who pays my medical bills?” This is, of course, understandable, especially if the accident wasn’t your fault. Please continue reading and reach out to a knowledgeable Stamford, Connecticut auto accident lawyer from Casper & de Toledo today to learn more about who will pay your medical bills after an auto accident and how our firm can help. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Who will pay my medical bills after an auto accident in CT?
It has been well over two decades since the Connecticut legislature abandoned its unmanageable and costly no-fault automobile insurance system. Since that overhaul, Connecticut automobile insurance has been available with option Medical Payments Coverage or “Med Pay.” Med Pay is available for a modest additional premium with mandatory other coverages including liability, property damage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Med Pay covers you, your family members, and in some cases non-family members occupying the insured automobile without regard to fault. The coverage pays medical expenses under a formula set forth by the coverage and applicable law up to a stated limit that may be as low as $1,000 or other amounts available through the specific insurance company. Unlike the old Connecticut no-fault coverage and med pay or personal injury protection available in other jurisdictions, CT’s med pay covers only medical expenses and nothing for lost wages or lost earnings. Moreover, Med Pay maxes out at the specified coverage limit.
If the party insuring the vehicle has opted not to purchase Med Pay coverage, the next most common source for the payment of accident-related medical bills is either employer-sponsored major medical insurance or private coverage including coverage obtained through the Affordable Care Act (sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare”).
It is extraordinarily unusual for the insurer for the “at-fault” party to pay for an injured person’s medical expenses. The exception to that general rule has arisen in circumstances where liability is clear and there is a risk of far greater injury and consequent damages if treatment is delayed.
Obviously, some folks lack traditional medical coverage and rely upon Medicaid coverage – in Connecticut HUSKY, or Medicare. Not surprisingly, government-subsidized medical coverage always provides reduced reimbursement rates. Reduced reimbursement rates for health care providers generally shrink the pool of providers because some providers will not accept the reduced reimbursement. Navigating the world of health care when there may be litigation is particularly difficult. For that reason, your best bet is to retain a seasoned lawyer in your corner who can help fight for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.
How do I win a personal injury claim?
To win a personal injury claim of any kind, you and your attorney will have to gather and present sufficient evidence to prove that you were hurt as a direct result of another driver’s negligence. Some of the most valuable forms of evidence include pictures or videos of the accident scene, photographs of property damage caused by the accident, witness testimony, and medical documentation/bills pertaining to an injury. Additionally, your lawyer can work alongside various third parties to help prove your personal injury claim, such as accident reconstruction experts, medical professionals, and lighting specialists.
What can I sue for in a personal injury claim?
As long as you can satisfy the burden of proof in your personal injury claim, you should recover compensation to help you deal with the economic and non-economic damages you’ve incurred as a result of your accident. These can include lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma.
If you have further questions or wish to file a personal injury claim, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation today.