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Schedule Your Free ConsultationWhat Are Some Things to Know Regarding Traumatic Brain Injury Cases?
What Is the Current Frequency of Traumatic Brain Injury in the U.S. ? That’s a question that doesn’t really have a simple answer. There are various classifications of traumatic brain injury, and classification is determined by the acute injury circumstances. Was the victim of the traumatic brain injury rendered unconscious? Did they have amnesia, and […]
Trial Court Precludes Opinions of Kenneth W. Reagles, PhD. of Syracuse, NY.
In a pre-trial decision on November 1, 2016, trial judge Irene Jacobs ruled that defense expert Kenneth W. Reagles, Ph.D’s reliance upon The Healthcare Bluebook in his calculations for future medical costs of the plaintiff was inadmissible. The Healthcare Bluebook markets itself as a transparent system that can be used by all players in the health system including consumers, providers, […]